Experience of the use of Equilibrium® in avocado
Monday, 31 July 2023
Field Experience | Tropical crops | Equilibrium®
To evaluate the effectiveness of Equilibrium® in increasing production and caliber in avocado.
Trial info:



Equilibrium® achieves a higher yield (Kg/tree) with a production increase (Kg/Ha) of 17.5% in relation to the control.

Equilibrium® gets an increase in the largest avocado sizes (12-18).

Equilibrium® obtains a higher proportion of those calibers with more commercial value in relation to Control.
In the treatment of Equilibrium® has been an increase of 1,625 Kg/ha (+17.5%) compared to Control and an increase in profit of 4,299 €/ha. Focusing mainly on calibers 12 to 18.
jose carlos muñoz cienfuegos
Por favor Podrian indicar el volumen de aplicacion por hectarea en cada aplicacion.
Anna Botta
La dosis por Hectarea fue de 5L/Ha y aplicación.