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Evaluation of three types of traps for Mediterranean flies Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) in Acatenango, Guatemala, C.A.

November 2020
Posters | Cera-Trap®

In 2018, coffee represented 8.5% of exports in Guatemala, which places it as the second mostIn 2018, coffee represented 8.5% of exports in Guatemala, which places it as the second mostcommercialized good in the country, after textiles (Banco de Guatemala, 2018). In 2016 the coffee sectorrepresented 2.5% of the country's GDP. Coffee cultivation tasks employ 125 thousand people. 97% of themare small coffee growers responsible for 47% of the national production. Adding to that the rest of thepe...

Evaluation of three types of traps for Mediterranean flies Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) in Santa Rosa, Guatemala, C.A.

November 2020
Posters | Cera-Trap®

In the south-east area of Guatemala, until 2005 a total of 275.30 hectares were dedicated to mandarinIn the south-east area of Guatemala, until 2005 a total of 275.30 hectares were dedicated to mandarinproduction, of which 78% (214.73 ha) are concentrated in the department of Santa Rosa, with themunicipalities of Chiquimula, Oratorio, Taxisco and Pueblo Nuevo Viñas; then 13% (35.78 ha) are in thedepartment of Jutiapa and the remaining 9% (24.75 ha) are in the department of Jalapa (Hernánde...

Evaluación de tres tipos de trampas para moscas del Mediterráneo Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) en Zacapa, Guatemala, C.A.

November 2020
Posters | Cera-Trap®

In Guatemala, the harvest season covers from February to June, and of the total production, it is estimatedIn Guatemala, the harvest season covers from February to June, and of the total production, it is estimatedthat 80% is exported to the United States market, and only the remaining 20% is destined for the regionalmarket and the European Union (EU). The departments in which mango production is focused areRetalhuleu, Santa Rosa, Suchitepéquez, Escuintla, San Marcos, and Jutiapa, among oth...

Electrophysiological responses of medfly to Cera Trap®and its impact on non-target insects

October 2020
Posters | Cera-Trap®

Efforts to control medfly pest relayed on bait sprays with toxic insecticides. The use of mass trapping in IPM strategies has proven to be efficient.  However, there has been much debate regarding the potential undesirable attractant impacts on non-target organisms. CeraTrap®(CT) is a pesticide-free attractant based on a liquid protein mixture successfully used over the last fifteen years on citrus, pome and stonefruits  aswell as tropical and subtropical fruits.

Evaluation of bait efficiency for control of Drosophila suzukii in berries

October 2020
Posters | Suzukii Trap®

TheThespotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii( Diptera Drosophilidae is aninvasive pest that has spread around the worldover the last years This fruit fly has become amajor pest for wild and cultivated berry crops inEurope and America In the area of southern ofSpain, the largest producer of European berries,as well as in southeastern and middle Europe, thisinvasive pest has become a problem This fastgrowth of the pest needs an exhaustive fruit flymonitoring in order to adapt the best pes...