Latest news
David Beitia Named Bioiberica Sales Manager in Valencia
Bioiberica Introduces its Product Line in Angola
Bioiberica Participates in Sigfito System
The Bioiberica product range, which includes biostimulants, bioavailable nutrition and plant protection, has joined the Sigfito container collection system.
Bioiberica News Portal Scientific Platform
New Incorporation for the Sales Team
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Since the past month of September Juan Bueno joined the company as the new Sales delegate for the Olive Cultivation Zone in Andalusia.
Environmental Management in BIOIBERICA
Environmental management in BIOIBERICA is of top priority among the company’s general policy and it is recognized in the Procedures Manual of the company. This policy is developed around three main pillars: quality, respect for ecological environment and risk prevention, with the final end of achieving satisfaction of team members, customer, supplier, stock holders and of the social-ecological environment
Team Grows: Roger Plana to join the Vegetal physiology Division
Since the end of last year, Bioiberica has had the collaboration of Roger Plana Mallorquí, who has taken over the position of Product Manager in the Plant Physiology Division
BIOIBERICA consolidates catalogue in Iran
With a surface area of 1,648,195 km2 (over three times the size of Spain), Iran is second in size among the Middle East countries, after Saudi Arabia