Monday, 25 October 2010
Field Experience | Terra-Sorb®
Terra-Sorb® product range and stress caused by low temperaturas and freezing
Stress caused by cold (chilling stress)
Provoked by temperatures too low for the plant’s optimum functioning, but without inducing ice crystal formation inside cells.
Monday, 25 October 2010
Field Experience | Horticultural | Inicium®
Inicium® is a low molecular weight peptide-based product with great radicular activity. It is specially indicated at the onset of radicular activity and during transplantation. The development of a strong radicular apparatus favours the advance of initial stages, enabling a prompter reach of the flowering, fruit set and production stages. Next we present a trial conducted on pepper in (Murcia, Spain), where these effects are confirmed.
Friday, 22 October 2010
Field Experience
Avocado is a very important crop wordwide, wich adapts to very diferente edaphic and climatic conditions.
The characteristics of this crop, spcecially it’s great vigos, it’s slow production start and the adverse factors to wich flowering and fruit setting are subject to, entail a high production variability.
Thus, crop management is very important un order to ensure a targer harvest. This trial has evaluated the application of Terra-Sorb®Marco radicular (application throught drip irrigation) and AminoQuelant®-K (foliar application)to determine whether they can be helpful to increase production in this crop.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Field Experience
Terra-Sorb foliar has been used for the first time during the 2010 season crop of both soya and colza, with excellent results.
Wednesday, 05 August 2009
Field Experience | Terra-Sorb® | Olive Tree
The study was made with Arbequina olive tree variety
Tuesday, 04 August 2009
Field Experience | Inicium®
Inicium® is a product based on peptides noted for its low molecular weight. It is specially designed to initiate radicular development after the transplantation.
Monday, 03 August 2009
Field Experience | Terra-Sorb®
Use of amino acids in olive cultivation is of the utmost importance to help their development during the annual cycle
Monday, 03 August 2009
Field Experience | AminoQuelant®
Efficacy of AminoQuelant®-K
Monday, 03 August 2009
Field Experience | AminoQuelant®
Effects of applications of AminoQuelant®-K (30 % K2O and 5 % of free amino acids) on cotton were compared with the effects of applying two standard potassium-based products, as well as with the results of a control sample not receiving any product
Monday, 03 August 2009
Field Experience | Terra-Sorb® | Horticultural
We have already mentioned on several occasions about the usefulness of using amino acids to protect and heal cultivations from the effects of low temperatures and mild frost