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Dacus Trap, a mass trapping system for the control of the olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae.

May 2011
Scientific articles | Dacus Trap®
N. Sierras, R. Baram, A. Bahat, A. Glick and C. Marín.
Merhav Agro Ltd., Herzelia, Israel., Dpto. I+D+i Fisiología Vegetal, BIOIBERICA, S.A.
IOBC-WPRS Bulletin Vol. 79, pp. 121-126, 2012

Field trials were conducted on olive trees (Olea europaea cv. Manzenilo and Picual) in Kidron (Israel) and Jaén (Spain) to assess the efficacy of a specifically developed enzymatic hydrolyzed protein (Dacus Trap®) against the olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin). The efficacy of Dacus Trap was evaluated in comparison with standard farm control strategies (chemical treatments), assessing olive flies population and punctured drupes. The efficacy field trials results showed that i) olive fly population levels in Dacus Trap plots were similar as those obtained in chemical treated plots and ii) drupes punctures were lower on Dacus Trap plots than under the farm standard control strategies. The evaluated hydrolyzed protein helps to decrease the pest damage and maintain a similar efficacy levels to those obtained with standard chemical treatments. With the advantage that pesticide use is reduced or even unnecessary and consequently avoiding toxicological risks for humans and negative impact on the fauna and the environment.

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