Response of ‘Banilejo’ Mango to Foliar Applications of a Biostimulant Based on Free Amino Acids and Potassium
X International Mango Symposium
Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of a biostimulant formulation containing 5% free amino acids with 1% N and 30% K2O (AminoQuelant®- K) on fruit set and size of mango ‘Banilejo’. Fruit number and weight increased as spray concentrations increased from 0 to 4 ml per liter. The concentration of soluble solids in the fruit juice also increased as spray concentrations of the biostimulant were increased. These results indicate thatunder the conditions of this research, this...
9th Days of Experimentation in Fruitgrowing
Nutrient deficiency stress produced by the low availability of a nutrient or a nutritional imbalance is one of the main limiting factors in the production and fruit quality. The foliar application of macro and micronutrients with amino acids from enzymatic hydrolysis, natural organic complex, allows contributing with the deficient element in a totally available form, thanks to the bioestimulant properties of the amino acids. Results show an improvement on production in quantity and quality o...
2nd Conference of the Fertilization Group of the Spanish Society of Horticultural Sciences
Improved quality parameters in peach trees and strawberries by the addition of Ca or K with amino acids. This study evaluates the efficacy of the application of two products - AminoQuelant-K and AminoQuelant-Ca (amino acids with K and Ca, respectively), specially designed by the Bioibérica, S.A. R&D department to improve fruit production and quality.