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Response of ‘Banilejo’ Mango to Foliar Applications of a Biostimulant Based on Free Amino Acids and Potassium

March 2015
Scientific articles | AminoQuelant®
J.P Morales-Payan
Department of Crops and Agro-Environmental Sciences, University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez
ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1075 pp 121-125
Research was conducted to determine the effects of a biostimulant containing 5% free amino acids with 30% K2O on marketable fruit number, average fruit weight and soluble solids concentration in fruit juice of ‘Banilejo 3’ mango. The biostimulant rates used were 0 (check), 2, 4, and 6 ml of biostimulant formulation per L of water, applied to run-off on flowering trees and repeated three times at three week intervals. The number of marketable fruits per tree increased with increasing biostimulant rate, up to approximately 19% at the rates of 4 and 6 ml/L. Average weight of marketable fruits also increased as biostimulant rates were higher, up to 16% at the biostimulant rates of 4 and 6 ml/L. The soluble solids concentration in the fruit juice was 19.5% in fruits from trees not treated with the biostimulant and approximately 22.5% in fruits from trees treated with the biostimulant rates of 4 and 6 ml/L. These results show that repeated sprays of formulations containing amino acid plus K2O may be useful to increase marketable yield, average fruit size and soluble solids concentration in ‘Banilejo 3’ mango.
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