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Articles tagged with: Equilibrium

Influence of a new biostimulant on flowering, fructificationd and yield in coffee

May 2021
Scientific articles | Bioestimulantes

One of the limitations that have been presented in the cultivation of coffee in the Central American region have been climatic variables, in which high temperatures, together with ultraviolet light levels, as well as rainfall and its intensity, have caused serious problems for the development of the crop. There are physiological imbalances that cause losses in stimulation and flower setting, reaching losses of more than 60% depending on the variety. The objective of this work was to evaluate...

Agronomic and genetic study of the promoting effect of Equilibrium® on fruit set and fruit development in tomato.

December 2019
Posters | Equilibrium® | Bioestimulantes

The flowering and fruit set is one of the most sensitive and critical phenological stages for the productive development of the crop, especially if some stress factor is involved that can unbalance the plant and negatively affect fruit set. The state of health and nutritional balance of the plant will also determine the capacity of retention of fruits that the vegetable will be able to develop later. Organic biostimulants, such as amino acids or algae extracts, have been used for years preci...