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Suzukii Trap®

Evaluation of bait efficiency for control of Drosophila suzukii in berries

October 2020
Posters | Suzukii Trap®

TheThespotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii( Diptera Drosophilidae is aninvasive pest that has spread around the worldover the last years This fruit fly has become amajor pest for wild and cultivated berry crops inEurope and America In the area of southern ofSpain, the largest producer of European berries,as well as in southeastern and middle Europe, thisinvasive pest has become a problem This fastgrowth of the pest needs an exhaustive fruit flymonitoring in order to adapt the best pes...

Dealing with spotted wing drosophila: new insights on Suzukii Trap® bait performance worldwide.

May 2017
Posters | Suzukii Trap®

Since the recent nearly worldwide establishment of Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in berry crops, various methods are being tested to control their invasive populations. Strategy components such as insecticide treatments, mass trapping or attract and kill are being considered for integrated management. Monitoring of populations, early detection and damage threshold establishment with an effective attractant and trap has become essential for managing this invasive pes...

Evaluation of Attractants for Monitoring Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae)

April 2017
Scientific articles | Suzukii Trap®

Drosophila suzukii Matsumura is an economically important pest of soft and small fruit crops. Unlike other drosophilid flies, D. suzukii is capable of infesting ripe and partially ripe fruit, which poses a significant pest management challenge, as there is no tolerance for infested or damaged fruit in the marketplace. As a result, producers in many regions rely on calendar-scheduled insecticide applications for D. suzukii management. In order to develop an integrated pest management approach...

Ecology and Drosophila suzukii's control

May 2015
Scientific Communications | Suzukii Trap®

We can include this emerging species in Europe and North America in the group of "fruit flies of economic importance." Drosophila suzukii has come to disrupt agricultural production in a number of crops that were not affected by these flies, especially the so-called "red fruits or berries". In addition to this, it is also causing problems in vineyard and various stone-fruit trees. BIOIBERICA has developed an effective product in the fight against this new and important pest.