Extensive crops
Plant Health Academy - Café
Evaluation of agronomic efficiency and Techincal feasibility of the use of AminoAlexin® in soybean crops
What benefit does the application of AminoAlexin® bring to soybean crops?
Evaluation of agronomic efficiency and Techincal feasibility of the use of Terra-Sorb® complex in soybean crops
What benefit does the application of Terra-Sorb® complex bring to soybean crops?
Experience of using Terra-Sorb® complex in corn against cold
Bioibérica - Plant Health presents the advantages of amino acids at the US Biostimulants Summit US 2019
Bioiberica - Plant Health launches web dedicated to plant stress and biological control of pests
• This new online asset offers information on technology, products and scientific publications of this Bioibérica business unit
• Replaces and concentrates in a single space, different webs that, until now, coexisted separately
• With a more modern and usable style, and a totally responsive design seeks a more direct communication with customers
CROP-SCAN™: Field experience with hard wheat (Triticum turgidum L.)
CROP-SCAN™ is a teledetection service complemented with the ability to receive advice from expert agronomists, thereby providing farmers with rapid, highly precise information about hydric stress, vigor, chlorophyll contents and the photosynthesis efficiency of all individual plants in a plot.
Higher Wheat Yield with Terra-Sorb™ Complex
Wheat’s great advantage is that it can be adapted to grow in very different environments and in temperate regions of all continents. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), production of this cereal, which is almost exclusively reserved for human consumption, has tripled over the last 40 years. It is estimated that each year around 100 kg are produced per inhabitant.
Control of Pyricularia and Hemlthosporium with Armurox™
While the origin of rice is in Asia, it is nowadays cultivated in wetlands and river deltas worldwide, being the second most cultivated cereal on a global level. Furthermore, it is a fundamental part of the diet of many countries. There are more than 10,000 known variants, with the Bomba variant the one best known in Spain. The most common diseases affecting rice are those caused by fungus infections-their incidence and severity may cause the loss of up to 70% of crops. This makes it a prerogative to take preventive measures during the entire cultivation cycle.