Fast recovery of plants affected by freeze after being treated with Terra-Sorb®
Monday, 03 August 2009
Citrus | Field Experience | Terra-Sorb®

Now that winter is approaching, it is important to pay attention to possible damage that could be caused by low temperatures and frost.
We remind you of the highly beneficial effect of amino acids to help the plant to both resist low temperatures, as well as to recover from frost-caused damage.
Photo 1. Mandarin trees in nursery affected by frost 18 July 2002, without being treated with Terra-Sorb. Huelquén, 30 July 2002.
As an example, we can show the results obtained this year in Chile in a treatment with Terra-Sorb® of mandarin plants grown in nursery. As can be seen in the photographs, the plants were affected by frost on 18 July (this data roughly corresponds to the month of February of the northern hemisphere). The product was applied the morning immediately after the frost. The photographs were taken on 30 July. It can be observed that plants treated with TERRA-SORB recovered quickly, while the sprouts of plants acting as control samples were still affected, showing necrosis and without apparent recovery.
Photo 2. . Mandarins in nursery treated with 300 cc every 100 l. of water Terra-Sorb foliar immediately after the frost of 18 July 2002. Photograph taken on 30 July 2002.