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Articles tagged with: Cera Trap

Field efficacy of commercial food attractants for Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) mass trapping and their impacts on non-target organisms in peach orchards

February 2020
Scientific articles | Cera-Trap®

The use of mass trapping in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) schemes targeting Ceratitis capitata Wiedmann (Diptera: Tephritidae) has proved to be efficient. However, there has been much disagreement regarding the potential undesirable impacts of such attractant on non-target organisms. In this study, two years field trials were conducted in two peach orchards to assess the efficacy of two synthetic food-based baits from different origins (one from vegetal origin and Continue Reading

Attractive ability of CeraTrap® on Ceratitis capitata and Anastrepha spp. in handle var. kent

November 2019
Scientific Communications | Cera-Trap®

In the town of Motupe, Lambayeque, in a commercial field of mango Kent, 15 years old, the present experiment was carried out with the aim of measuring the attraction and capture capacity of Cera Trap on the fruit flies Ceratitis capitata and Anastrepha spp, compared to attractants based on hydrolyzed protein and torula yeast. The food attractants were placed in 1.5 L plastic bottles, with four 0.8 mm diameter holes equidistant in the lower third of the bottle and installed in the lower third...

Mass trapping and bait station techniques as alternative methods for IPM of "Ceratitis capitata" Wiedmann (Diptera: Tephritidae) in citrus orchards

October 2019
Scientific articles | Cera-Trap®

Malathion bait sprays to control medfly, Ceratitis capitata  (Diptera: Tephritidae), in Tunisian citrus orchards is expected to be phased out in the near future due to low residue tolerance inthe fruits by consumers. Attract and kill strategy that encompasses mass trapping and bait station techniques has become  awidespread method for controlling medfly. Effectiveness of two bait station methods (AAL&K® and Ceranock®) and two attractants for mass trapping (Ce...

Ceratitis capitata control on table grapes in Spain by the mass-trapping system Cera Trap®

May 2017
Posters | Cera-Trap®

The Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly) ,Ceratitis capitata,is a world wide agricultural pest with an extremely high invasive potential, which makes this species difficult to control. Mass trapping techniques a recurrently one of the most common control methods applied against Medfly as an alternative to standard insecticide sprays. CeraTrap® is a pesticide-free attractant formulation of natural origin, based on a liquid protein mixture obtained by an exclusive enzymatic hydrolysis.CeraTrap®(...

Electroantennogram of Ceratitis capitata and field responses on Bactrocera dorsalis with Cera Trap

January 2017
Scientific articles | Cera-Trap®

Background: Due to the economic impact of fruit flies, much attention has been focused onthe development of trapping systems for detection and monitoring pests and more recently toprovide successful pest control without the use of insecticides. This is due to the lately publicdemand for more benign control techniques. In this respect, the mass trapping techniqueattempts to provide successful pest control reducing the pest population in the plot by meansof traps baited with a lure with or wit...