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Articles tagged with: Ceratitis

Identification of Ceratitis capitata electrophysiological and field responses to Cera Trap®

April 2016
Posters | Cera-Trap®

Fruit flies such as Ceratitis capitata and Bactrocera invadens are notorious worldwide for their destructive impact on agriculture and particularly difficult to control effectively. Pesticide treatment have historically been used against theses pests, but nowadays it is necessary to develop alternative strategies due to an increase in insecticide resistance, but also to toxicological and environmental consequences. Mass trapping techniques are currently one of the most common control methods...

Electroantennogram of Ceratitis capitata and field responses on Bactrocera dorsalis with CeraTrap®

May 2014
Posters | Cera-Trap®

CeraTrap® (CT) is an attractant formulation of natural origin, based on a liquid protein obtained by an exclusive method of enzymatic hydrolysis, with strong attraction capacity for fruit flies and free of pesticides. The system functions thanks to a regular emission of volatile organic compounds. Due to this, the strongly attracted flies fall into the trap and as they are unable to escape, drown into the liquid and die.Electroantennogram (EAG) analysis were performed in order to measure an...

Effectiveness evaluation of two attractants, Cera Trap® and Tripack®, for the mass trapping of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) in citrus orchards in different regions of Tunisia.

January 2013
Posters | Cera-Trap®

Damages of C. capitata in Tunisia may cause losses of about 1.06 millions Dollars (US) per year on Citrus. By this factor, mass trapping is being evaluated for an effective control of this pest in citrus. The trials were conducted during 2 years (2010, 2011) with two types of Mediterranean fruit fly mass trapping systems Cera Trap® and Tripack® in citrus orchards in three different geographical regions of Tunisia. The Cera Trap® system showed a similar or even a higher effectiveness than ...

CeraTrap®, a Commercial Mass Trapping System for Med fly (Ceratitis capitata) Control Used in Israel

October 2012
Posters | Cera-Trap®

The Med fly Ceratitis capitata has been considered for several decades as the major phytophagous insect in orchards worldwide, and in Israel particularly, due to the severe damage caused to the fruits. Taking into account that the pupae in the ground and the larvae hidden in the fruits are hard to control, the main efforts, as of the 60', centered on aerial applications for adult control. The leading product was Malathion, accompanied by bait. Malathion was banned for use in fruits for expor...

Ceratitis capitata control on table grapes in Israel by the mass trapping system Cera Trap

July 2012
Posters | Cera-Trap®

The fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, is worldwide notorious for their destructive impact on agriculture and is one of the most difficult pests to handle. The control of this pest has historically relied on pesticide treatments which are currently not well considered because of its toxicological and environmental awareness. At present, mass trapping techniques are one of the control methods used against med fly as an alternative to standard insecticide sprays.For some deciduous fruits, such as ...