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Terra-Sorb in Fruit cultivation

Monday, 27 July 2009
Field Experience | Terra-Sorb®

Recommended plan of treatments with TERRA-SORB

DOSIS: TERRA-SORB FOLIAR – 2-3 Lts/ Ha (foliar spraying)
TERRA-SORB RADICULAR – 15 Lts/ Ha (located irrigation)

There are important increments in the percentage of set fruits, as well as in its calibre and weight. Moreover, TERRA-SORB FOLIAR is used to strengthen phitosanitary and nutritional treatments. A good example of this would be the boost of the effects of gibberellin acid in several different pear variants, or the improvement of the effects of gibberellins and cytokinins in apple trees (of the golden variant during fruit enlargement).

On the other hand, TERRA-SORB 4 MACRO RADICULAR is used in located fertigation or by injection to the soil, at doses of 15 to 20 l/Ha, as booster of absorption and translocation of nutrients used as corrector of deficiencies (specially of iron): significant results in the amount of translocated micro elements can be observed, as well as a much faster transportation speed of these across the sap.

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