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The 4th Terra-Sorb™ technical seminar held at Palafolls was attended by distributors, farmers and researchers from Moldova, Russia, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine and the Czech Republic.

Friday, 21 November 2014
Latest news | Terra-Sorb®

Like last year, Bioiberica’s Palafolls factory held a technical seminar in November on the use of its Terra-Sorb™ products in Eastern Europe.

This time, the experts presented new results of the use of Terra-Sorb™ foliar in corn, oil seed rape, wheat, beets and potatoes. The results showed yield increases of up to 21 percent coupled with a remarkable improvement of the efficacy of the treatments used. 

They also presented the results of applying Terra-Sorb™ Complex to plots suffering from major stress or requiring higher bio stimulation. In wheat, beet, apple, grapevine and pepper crops a very fast and effective response was observed, with yield increases higher than 15 percent compared to untreated controls, as well as improvements in all observed qualitative parameters.  


In short, for another year Terra-Sorb™ received the accolades from the best technicians and farms of Eastern Europe, thus consolidating its leading position within stress management products in the emerging markets.


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