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Mass-Trapping for Control of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) in Coffee Crop in Acatenango, Guatemala

March 2022
Scientific articles | Cera-Trap®
Tobar J. B., Cerdà J. M., Ríos G., Herández R.
Terrafertil , Bioiberica S.A.U., Agrotecnología Alternativa, S.A de C.V., Instituto Tecnológico de Zacatepec (Morelos, México)
Southwerstern Entomologist, Vol. 47, No. 1

In the past 10 years, coffee production in Guatemala has been affected by the Mediterranean fruit fly that accelerates the fruit ripening process, resulting in early bean drop and less commercial quality. Reports have offered a new alternative for monitoring flies. In a trial in the municipality of Acatenango, Chimaltenango, Guatemala, the biological effectiveness of Pet bottles baited with Cera Trap®® attractant, compared with ground sprays of GF-120 (Spinosad), were evaluated for massive control of C. capitata in this crop. The data show that when pet bottle bait stations with 200 ml of Cera Trap® at 25 bait stations per hectare, it was possible to

reduce the incidence of three peak populations of female and male flies from March to April to 1,767 and 0.69 flies/trap/days, respectively. Seven sprays of GF-120 only reduced to 4,802 and 2,26 flies/trap/days, respectively. The calculated biological effectiveness (BE) indicated that Pet bottles bait Cera Trap® produced control in the field of 74.1%, compared with 39.4% of GF-120.

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