Evaluation of CeraTrap, for the attraction and capture of Anastrepha obliqua and Anastrepha ludens in commercial cultures of mango and orange, in two localities of the republic of Panama.
July 2012
Posters | Cera-Trap®
Pablo Rodríguez, Cheslavo A. Korytkowski, Gisela Tapia, Enelvia Rujano, Yahaira Peñalosa, Carlos Pérez, Getulio Núñez, Roberto S MIDA (Ministerio de Dessarrollo Agropecuario de Panamà) Panamá City, Panamá Español
The trial had the intention to evaluate the effectiveness of the enzymatic hydrolyzed protein CeraTrap® with two types of traps and different attractants used by MIDA in its monitoring program.